My Location

GPS Tracking

Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Knack

I haven't heard this for years! Someone sent this to me back in about 2000 when I still held an engineering position.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

This should have been Vista

I haven't previewed Vista yet, but this seems far more advanced.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Lucky Rally Watchers

I always wondered if any of the spectators got hit. Here's the answer. Apparently all these folks had a Pulp Fiction moment like Samuel Jackson.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Navizon v3 Released

Got GPS? Got a cell phone that runs java or windows mobile? Have wi-fi? Navizon is one of the best ways to keep track of your location and to share it with your friends. The newly release version 3 adds a much improved map (Google) and a much easier way to see where your friends are. Additionally, this version seems much more stable than v2 and v1.

You can purchase the premium version for $19.99 after a 15 day trial or get someone's bluetooth GPS and drive around for a while to build up 10,000 points to get 1 reward point worth $19.99 to your PayPal account. You can continue to map out your area or another state and get additional points as well. Hello Nashville! (I'm travelling there this week)


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Updated Locator

I've written a Google Maps implementation integrating in my Navizon location. This should show my current or last known position on Google Maps. So while I'm commuting or when I want people to know where I am, you can click on the Navizon badge to the right to see where I am.
